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[vc_row row_title=”Happening Restaurants” row_desc=”Recommended Restaurants you must explore” title_color=”#292929″][vc_column][locations locstyles=”loc_abstracted” location_ids=”333,367,411,1600″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_title=”Claim & Get Started Today!” row_desc=”Nearly 80% of consumers turn to directories with reviews to find a local business.” row_type=”row_full_center_content” bg_color=”#eff3f6″][vc_column][listingpro_columns listing_cols_left_img=”78″ listing_first_col_title=”1- Claim”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_title=”Exclusive” row_desc=”popular exclusive listings on the World Restaurant Awards guide” title_color=”#292929″][vc_column][listing_grids number_posts=”3″ listing_styles=”grid_view”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row_full_center_content” bg_color=”#eff3f6″][vc_column][video_testimonials screen_image=”97″ video_url=”” testi_title=”What people are saying” author_name=”Richard Jeans” author_company=”DX Media. Cortland, OH” author_image=”92″ testi_content=” The World Restaurant Awards – show and guide is the ultimate destination for any restauranteur and consumer . It’s the ultimate guide for the best restaurants in the world and it is usually are go to destination to find out what restaurants we should be covering in our newspaper. Simon Carter, Food & Drinks Editor, The National Post (UK)”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_title=”News & Reviews” row_desc=”Checkout the latest news and articles from the World Restaurant Guide” title_color=”#292929″][vc_column][blog_grids category=”4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]