The origin of the name, is however, attributed to three sources:
The first source claims, that the name was attributed after the passage during the crusade time (around year 1000) of a certain Baron Moohtar, which became later Moukhtara. It is also said that the actual Joumblatt Palace is built on the remains of a crusade castle.
The second source claims, that the name was attributed during the Fatimides time (around year 1000, as well), since they use to add “al” to every village or city name.
Al Moukhtara, Al Kahira (Cairo), etc…
The third source and the most probable, claims, that the name is very old and simply means “The Chosen aestivate village”.
Besides, it is good to mention that there is also a city in the south of Iraq, with the same name. This city was very famous, since it was the one that witnessed the first freedom revolt of the slaves of the area.