Almost every list of tips for saving money will tell you that cutting down on your Starbucks habit can save you thousands of dollars a year, depending on how often you go. While that may be true, giving up your daily latte habit in exchange for weak and bland office coffee (or worse, instant) is easier said than done.
While there’s certainly something to be said for the convenience factor, most of us choose Starbucks because it tastes better than the alternative. The real key to saving money by making your own coffee? Learning to do it right. Most DIY Starbucks recipes suggest using inauthentic ingredients like vanilla flavoring instead of syrup and strong-brewed coffee in place of espresso shots, but making these substitutions will result in unsatisfying beverages. A minimal investment upfront in the test coffee grinder inexpensive stovetop espresso maker, a milk steamer wand, and bottles of your favorite flavored syrup will allow you to duplicate your favorite Starbucks drinks at home on the cheap.